মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দ এর অর্থ ও Synonym ( 13/10/2015)

Source: The Daily Star Editorial

1.Trials( পরীক্ষা, আদালতের বিচার): judicial examination, test
2.Turning Up(চালু করা)
3.reiterated( পূনর্ব্যাক্ত) : say or do again, repeat
4.Curb( বাধা, প্রতিবন্ধকতা) : constrain, abstain, clog, restrict
5.Dumbfounded( হতবাক) : astonished, dismayed, overwhelmed, surprised
6.mystifying( গোপন করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা, নিগূঢ় করা) : make obscure or secret
7.plaintiffs ( বাদী, অভিযোক্তা, ফরিয়াদি) : complainant, litigants, prosecutor
8.Defiance ( বিরুদ্ধতা, প্রকাশ্য অবাধ্যতা) : contumacy, recalcitrance
9. appointed( নিযুক্ত) : Designated
10.unfathomable( বোধগম্য নয়, অতল, অগাধ, সীমাহীন) :boundless, illimitable
11.cite ( নজীর, উদ্ধৃতি) : Quote, adduce,
12.deposition( পদচ্যুতি, তলানি) : sediment
13. retarding( বাধা দেয়া বিলম্ব করা) : decelerate, slow
14.reluctance( অনিচ্ছা, অনাগ্রহ) :disinclination, hesitation, unwillingness
15.baffling( হতবুদ্ধিকর) : abstruse, confusing, enigmatic, perplexing
16.encouraging( অনুপ্রেরণা দায়ক)
17.nullifies( নাকচ/ বাতিল করা) : abrogate, annul
অন্য Editorial এর কিছু শব্দ
1.diligence.( পরিশ্রম, অনলস প্রচেষ্টা) : perseverance in carrying out action, attentiveness, assiduousness
2.breakthrough ( বিরাট সাফল্যলাভ)
3.unsubstantiated( অপ্রমাণিত)
4.Gruesome( লোমহর্ষক, ভয়াবহ) : atrocious, ghastly, hideous
5.Excoriate( কঠোর সমালোচনা)
6.Implications( প্রভাব)
7.at stake ( বিপন্ন, ঝুঁকির সম্মুখীন)
8.misgivings( সন্দেহ)
9.engendered ( হয়েছে) : to produce, cause or give rise to
10.trivialise ( অগুরুত্বপূর্ণ করা)
11.grave ( কবর, গুরুত্বপূর্ন)
এবার পড়ি
((Trials of militants
Why are police witnesses not turning up?))
At a time when our government has reiterated its commitment to curb militancy in the country we are dumbfounded by a news report by a leading Bangla daily that the trial process of 156 cases involving militants are on hold. The reason for this is even more mystifying: over 300 police personnel including plaintiffs, investigating officers and police witnesses of the cases, have just not turned up in the court even after arrest warrants had been issued against them.
Such defiance of the law by those who have been appointed to protect it is unfathomable. The report cites the example of four arrested Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) members being produced in the court 67 times but the plaintiffs, a sub inspector of the police station and an investigating officer never came for giving their depositions in court thus retarding the trial process.
The reluctance of the home ministry to give the required approval of charge sheets of 138 militancy cases is also baffling as this, too, has set back the trial processes.
It is encouraging that our law enforcing agencies have been able to arrest militants before they could carry out any terror attacks. But just arresting them without a quick trial process nullifies such efforts. If the government is as serious about combating terrorism as it says it is, it should make sure that the home ministry approves the charge sheets of the militancy cases and that the members of the law enforcing agencies, who are the plaintiffs and witnesses in such cases, appear in court.

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