মঙ্গলবার, ৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

Word of the Day(4/10/2015)

atelierAudio Pronunciation
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\AT-l-yey, at-l-YEY, French atuh-LYEY\
1. a workshop or studio, especially of an artist, artisan, or designer.
Ateliers—the word is French for studio—have a rich history as a place where artists practice their craft and transmit their knowledge to other artists.
-- Jacqueline L. Salmon, “Companions in Creativity; The Nook Known as the Artists' Atelier Provides More Than Just a Place to Paint,” Washington Post, May 11, 2006
Atelier comes from the French word of the same spelling which literally means "a pile of wood chips." It entered English in the early 1800s

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