শুক্রবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

Word of the Day(08/10/2015)

Oct. 08, 2015
Word of the Day

parvenuAudio Pronunciation
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\PAHR-vuh-noo, -nyoo, pahr-vuh-NOO, -NYOO\
1. a person who has recently or suddenly acquired wealth, importance, position, or the like, but has not yet developed the conventionally appropriate manners, dress, surroundings, etc.

1. being or resembling a parvenu.
2. characteristic of a parvenu.
It was a joke, my dear, worthy of a lackey, or of a silly, smart parvenu, not knowing the society into which his luck had cast him…
-- William Makepeace Thackeray, The Second Funeral of Napoleon, 1841
Parvenu entered English in the 1700s from the French word of the same spelling meaning "upstart." It comes from the French verb parvenir which means "to arrive, reach."

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